Digestive Health

  1. Probiotics: What They Are and How to Use Them Effectively

    Probiotics: What They Are and How to Use Them Effectively

    Discover the benefits of probiotics, what they are, and how to use them effectively to improve your gut health and overall well-being.
  2. Science Review: Lactobacilli Strains And Their Effect On Women’s Urogenital Health

    Science Review: Lactobacilli Strains And Their Effect On Women’s Urogenital Health

    Explore the impact of various Lactobacilli strains on women’s urogenital health, and how they contribute to maintaining a balanced and healthy microbiome.
  3. Copper & Zinc Balance Vital for Inflammation, Sleep & More

    Copper & Zinc Balance Vital for Inflammation, Sleep & More

    The copper to zinc ratio is crucial, as the two minerals work together in many areas of health. If the ratio becomes imbalanced, health problems can occur.
  4. The 5 Probiotic Strains You Need To Know

    The 5 Probiotic Strains You Need To Know

    The only way to ensure the probiotic you buy is going to deliver significant health benefits is to check the product contains one of these extensively researched strains.
  5. A Complete Guide To Probiotics

    A Complete Guide To Probiotics

    If you're new to the world of probiotics then the terminology can be confusing. Use this handy glossary and guide to get to grips with the key words and terms.
  6. Using Functional Gut Testing In Practice: A Masterclass With Olenka Quintrell

    Using Functional Gut Testing In Practice: A Masterclass With Olenka Quintrell

    Join Olenka Quintrell from Genova Diagnostics as she explores digestive function, stool testing, and discover how using functional gut testing in clinical practice, can support your clients.
  7. Think You Know Curcumin? Think Again.

    Think You Know Curcumin? Think Again.

    Read on to find out about the health benefits and uses for curcumin, the incredible compound found in the bright yellow spice, turmeric.
  8. Nutri Advanced's Guide to Metabolic Foods

    Nutri Advanced's Guide to Metabolic Foods

    A guide for Health Professionals to learn more about each of the formulas in the Nutri Advanced Metabolic Foods range and the benefits & recommended uses for each.
  9. Nutri Advanced's Live Bacteria Range

    Nutri Advanced's Live Bacteria Range

    Brief and clear to understand with practitioner focussed product detail. This document explains the benefits and applications of our live bacteria products.
  10. Constipation Protocol

    Constipation Protocol

    Read our nutritional protocol for Constipation offering support for symptom management, addressing underlying causes and on-going treatment.
  11. Coeliac Disease Protocol

    Coeliac Disease Protocol

    Read our nutritional protocol on Coeliac Disease including support for symptom management, addressing underlying causes and on-going treatment.
  12. Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth Protocol

    Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth Protocol

    Our nutritional protocol for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth details support for symptom management, addressing underlying causes and continuing wellness.
  13. 5R Protocol

    5R Protocol

    Read our nutritional protocol for gut health including symptom management and addressing the underlying causes of IBS using the 5Rs.
  14. What Causes Wind, Constipation & Diarrhoea?

    What Causes Wind, Constipation & Diarrhoea?

    Uncomfortable problems such as constipation, wind and diarrhoea are something that we all experience from time to time, but what causes them?
  15. Benefits of Saccharomyces Boulardii for Diarrhoea, IBD, Leaky Gut & More

    Benefits of Saccharomyces Boulardii for Diarrhoea, IBD, Leaky Gut & More

    This research review looks into the studies behind S. Boulardii and the many benefits it’s been shown to have on a wide range of digestive health conditions.
  16. New Discoveries In Gut Health: Why Leaky Gut And Dysbiosis Support Alone Is Not Enough

    New Discoveries In Gut Health: Why Leaky Gut And Dysbiosis Support Alone Is Not Enough

    Join Nathan Rose, Global Head of Clinical Affairs for Metagenics, and expore how we can therapeutically complement the bottom-up approach of treating the microbiome and intestinal barrier, with new, scientifically-validated strategies.
  17. What Does ‘Gut Healing’ Really Mean And What Can You Do About It?

    What Does ‘Gut Healing’ Really Mean And What Can You Do About It?

    What does ‘leaky gut’ really mean? What can we actually do about it? How do I choose a probiotic? Read on to get answers to these questions and more as we explore the crucial topic of gut barrier integrity and provide a handy video to help you select the right probiotic for your client.
  18. Using Functional Labs to Dig Deeper into Autoimmunity: A Case Study Using FDX

    Using Functional Labs to Dig Deeper into Autoimmunity: A Case Study Using FDX

    Join Nutri Advanced and FunctionalDX in their first partnership webinar presented by Jo Gamble, to join the dots between functional testing and personalising a protocol for your autoimmune clients,
  19. Clinical Guide - Gut Transformation

    Clinical Guide - Gut Transformation

    Read our clinical guide, and learn more about gut function protocols, the principles of the 5R approach, product descriptions and recommendations and the gut transformation programme.
  20. The Microbiome, The Storybook Of The Immune System?

    The Microbiome, The Storybook Of The Immune System?

    In this 90 minute webinar, Jo Gamble will explore the delicate bidirectional interplay between the gut and the immune system, and explain how this process contributes to the development of chronic diseases and autoimmunity.
  21. Can Sulforaphane Help To Reduce Helicobacter Pylori (H. pylori)?

    Can Sulforaphane Help To Reduce Helicobacter Pylori (H. pylori)?

    Find out more on the latest research on the potential uses of sulforaphane for reducing H. pylori, a common infection causing gastritis and stomach ulcers.
  22. Choosing The Best Anti-Microbial Support For Your Client

    Choosing The Best Anti-Microbial Support For Your Client

    A useful guide to help you choose the best Nutri Advanced anti-microbial formula to support your clients' needs.
  23. Using Berberine In Clinical Practice

    Using Berberine In Clinical Practice

    Review the research on using traditional Chinese herb Berberine in practice, from gut health to blood sugar management, cardiovascular health and beyond.
  24. If You've Ever Taken Antibiotics You Need To Read This

    If You've Ever Taken Antibiotics You Need To Read This

    Antibiotics can be a real lifesaver, but they can also bring unwanted side effects. Read on to find out how to support your body after taking antibiotics.

Items 1 to 24 of 115 total
